he caught her hand in his 意味
- 彼女の手を握った
- he he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
- caught {動} : catch の過去?過去分詞形
- her Her {略} : Hercules 《星座》ヘルクレス座
- hand 1hand n. 手, 人手; 《文語》 役割; 筆跡; (約束 信義のしるしとしての)手, 婚約, 誓約; 確約; 時計(など)の針; 腕前, 仕方;
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム
- hand in ~を提出{ていしゅつ}する、~を手渡す{てわたす} This paper doesn't have to be handed in until next
- her or his her or his 1 ?=his or her (見出し語). her or his 2 [h?(r) ?(r) híz] ?=his or her .
- her/his her/his [h?(r)hiz] ?=his/her .
- his or her his or her [híz ?(r) h?(r)] 【代】 ((正式))he or sheの所有格 Everybody should do ~ best. みんなベストをつくすべきだ(?he ◇[語法] ).
- his/her {代名} : 彼または彼女の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】hizhэ(r)
- caught her drying = ◆頭音転換(spoonerism)
- (your, his, her) daughter (your, his, her) daughter 息女 そくじょ
- have his or her priorities as to ~に関してその人なりの優先順位{ゆうせん じゅんい}を持っている
- his (her) highness His (Her) Highness 殿下 でんか
- his and her teacups his and her teacups 夫婦茶碗 めおとぢゃわん